Dragon Timer Update

We have been working hard on the latest update that includes many new features that we hope you will enjoy. Recently we asked for feedback on what events you would like to see and now we need your feedback on the event times that we have added.

Here is a list of changes that we made with the recent update:

+ Added Android App (Search gw dragon timer and look for Temple Timer .)
+ Designed the mobile version of the site to look better, should be much better on iPhone, Android and other mobile devices.
+ Added Ability to Embed timers on guild sites
+ Improved speed of page loading
+ Added security measures to help with timer accuracy
+ Added 4 new events (Megadestroyer, Shadow Behemoth, Temple of Balthazar and the Fire Elemental in Metrica Province)
+ Combined Updater with Rating System as well as adding Server Reset option.
+ Added ability to show event is happening right now.
+ Added history panel showing previous times. (Moved event details to mouse hovering/clicking on dragon/event name.)
+ Other changes

While the Android app can be downloaded by everybody, you will not see your server until it is updated on the site. I will be adding as many servers as I can each day, please be patient as we upgrade.

The Lost Shores Update

The November update is coming to Guild Wars 2 on November 16th, featuring a new dungeon as well as a one time event chain.

The event will kick off in Lions Arch at noon PST on the 16th. The following day at noon PST there will be a one time event chain where Tyria will change forever. If you aren’t able to make it during the weekend, don’t be too sad as the zone and dungeon will be there to stay, you’ll only miss out on the one time events and cut-scenes.

The Lost Shores Sign in Lions Arch