Happy 2014 New Year

We have an exciting year ahead here at Guild Wars Temple and in Guild Wars 2 as we wrap up season 1 and begin season 2 of the free content updates.

There has not been much change over the last few months here but we are currently working on a timer redesign that makes the timers smaller and will allow more functionality. One of the big changes of 2013 for us was the API connection that we use which allows us to update the timers off of the server to provide more accurate times. As a result we want to make the information more clear as to what the data was taken from.

On the game side we get to look forward to the wrapping up of season 1 with all that Scarlet has caused from the Queen’s Jubilee to the Toxic Alliance and the Tower of Nightmares. Season 2 will have an exciting new story to unleash on us and we are looking forward to a taste of what that might be.

And lastly we want to give you a little taste of what we will be doing a later in the year just as we did last year. Last year we ran a contest to add a laptop to a Guild Wars 2 screenshot and gave away two 2000 Gems Guild Wars 2 cards. This year we have a bigger content that won’t require any special software and should be more accessible to allow anybody to participate.

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