The MegaUpdate and MegaContest

Today the world is changing with the introduction of the Megaserver.

We are so excited here at Guild Wars Temple about all the changes coming to the game. As a way to kick off the event we want to give away a 32GB Microsoft Surface RT Tablet along with two Guild Wars 2 Gem cards with 2000 gems on each.

We will be doing a lot of tweaking as we test the Megaserver more and have some time to polish off all the lumps of the massive change. Please be aware that we are working to make our site a smooth and unified experience. We updated the most popular part of our site but we will be moving the update to mobile and our mini timers for guilds/sites.

To enter simply go to your servers event timers page and enter on the right hand side. You are able to enter up to once per day.

Surface RT Tablet

Guild Wars 2 does not run natively on the Surface RT. With Remote-Desktop you are able to use the tablet as a screen to run anything off your desktop PC.

11 thoughts on “The MegaUpdate and MegaContest

    • Sorry about the delay, I have been doing a lot of tweaking to the site after the bug update changed everything. The embedding timers are sort of updated, I will be making changes/optimizations as time goes but they should work at the very least.

    • I would add more events but with the new Megaserver there is no way to track which server it is active in. If changes to the Megaserver occur where we have a way to track the events, I will definitely add more.

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