The ShattererEvent Level: 50
Location: Blazeridge Steppes
WP: Lowland Burns (Top Left)
Respawn Rate: 3:00
Timer History (Server Time)
1st 10:06am 13-Apr
2nd 02:35pm 11-Apr
3rd 07:43am 11-Apr
4th 02:39pm 10-Apr
Tequatl the SunlessEvent Level: 65
Location: Sparkfly Fen
WP:Splintered Coast (Bottom Left)
Respawn Rate: 2:30 - 3:00
Timer History (Server Time)
1st 02:31pm 31-Mar
2nd 07:59am 29-Mar
3rd 12:58am 21-Mar
4th 04:46pm 15-Mar
Claw of JormagEvent Level: 80
Location: Frostgorge Sound
WP: Earthshake (Center Right)
Respawn Rate: 3:15 - 4:30
Timer History (Server Time)
1st 09:20am 11-Apr
2nd 05:10pm 10-Apr
3rd 12:31pm 10-Apr
4th 10:22am 09-Apr